Enhance Performance

To perform at their best on match day, players need more than just talent — they need the right training balance. Research shows a direct link between training loads and match performance, making structured preparation essential. These training loads should be tailored to each player or at least to their position, ensuring they develop the physical qualities needed to excel.

With PERFUT, managing training loads is simple. Set your parameters for each metric, and the system automatically calculates, analyzes, and generates reports, helping you make informed decisions to keep training aligned with match demands. Here's how:

1. Set your targets

Define workload targets based on each position's demands. You can manually adjust these targets or let the system calculate them based on past performances.

Auto-Adjustment Options
  • Individual Adjustment: Personalized targets based on each player's performance data.
  • Relative to Top Player: Targets based on the best-performing player in each position.
  • Relative to Average: Targets set using the average performance values for the position.
  • Off (Manual): Set targets yourself without auto-adjustments.

2. Define Workload Ratios

Workload Ratios

Establish expected workload ratios for different intensity levels, both for individual sessions and full training cycles. For this example a moderate session requires 45%-65% of a player's match target, while a full training cycle aims for 1.5-2 times the match workload.

3. Set Preparation Intensity

Intensity levels

Choose the appropriate intensity level based on your defined ratios. This ensures training sessions align with planned workloads, gradually building players' readiness for match day.

4. Monitor Preparation Status

Upload GPS data in CSV or XLS format to instantly generate a detailed training status report.

Preparation Status

If players are overtraining, the system highlights it, allowing you to make adjustments and keep workloads optimized.

Overdone Training

The same information can also be viewed in an aggregated format by position, giving you a broader perspective on group performance and workload distribution.

Positional Distribution

That's it — managing training loads and optimizing performance has never been easier. With PERFUT, you can set targets, define ratios, and track progress effortlessly. The system recalculates everything automatically when adjustments are made, ensuring training stays flexible, data-driven, and aligned with match-day demands.

We are here to help you

Want to try it with your own data but short on time? Let us set it up for you — fast and hassle-free, with no obligations.

  • Setup your players and metrics
  • Import your previous sessions and matches
  • Adjust your targets based on your data

Let's get in touch

Feel free to reach out to us anytime if you have any questions or need assistance.